
No-confidence motion against Cabinet fails


The no-confidence motion against the Cabinet proposed by the MPs of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists was examined till late at night. Besides the report presented by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, each minister spoke about the accomplishments in the area in their charge. The vote was given after 2am and the motion was supported only by 16 Communist and Socialist MPs, IPN reports.

“The whole Cabinet is now in Parliament as the Communist and Socialist MPs are against the recovery measures, the raise in salaries and the projects we implement all over the country in the roads, agricultural and rural development sectors. I don’t know if it is a no-confidence emotion. It is rather a necessity of electoral show. I realize that elections are coming, but the country does not stop. The Cabinet continues working and will not stop the activities it carries out. Today, we will speak about these activities, about the existing challenges and how the Cabinet responds to these challenges and stands by the people, by the citizens who need it,” Dorin Recean stated in Parliament.

He took stock of the government’s initiatives, noting that the country is going through a very difficult situation, with a huge impact on the population, but even so, resources are constantly identified to help the people. “A lot of work is to be done and there are yet many challenges confronting us. The state institutions showed that they can keep peace and stability in Moldova. We prevented the destabilization planned by foreign factors in cooperation with criminal groups from inside the country. We know how to cope with the current risks and have a well-through-out plan to develop Moldova,” stated the Premier.

After his speech, the ministers presented the accomplishments and priorities of the institutions they head from the Parliament’s rostrum. Representatives of the opposition didn’t hesitate to criticize the government. MPs of the ruling Party of Action and Solidarity also gave speeches in support of the Cabinet.

“We didn’t receive responses over any of the figures. The motion centered strictly on socioeconomic issues, without European integration, without subjects with which other ministers came. Therefore, we will go to the Constitutional Court and will repeatedly ask for the Cabinet’s report on the indicated subjects,” said Socialist MP Vlad Batrîncea, Deputy Speaker of Parliament.

BCS MP Alla Darovannaya citizen the government for the way it managed the educational sector. “In the Republic of Moldova, the number of students the past ten years has decreased by 11% nationwide. By 15-20 small schools are annually closed. The number of teachers has diminished by 625 persons over the past two years alone,” said the MP.

Socialist MP Alla Pilipetskayia noted that the current Cabinet claims to be the most ardent advocate of the European values and democracy, but in reality the regime established in the country has nothing to do with democracy.

PAS MP Radu Marian said that a vote for this no-confidence motion is a vote for chaos, for criminal groups and for the supporters of war. “A vote against the no-confidence motion is a vote for progress, peace, harmony and advancement of our European course,” he stated.

The Parliament siting that started at 10am on Thursday ended with the vote on the no-confidence motion at 02:40am on Friday.