
Nine-year-old operated successfully for intrathoracic tumor


A girl aged nine who had a backbone tumor that came in touch with the aorta, intercostal nerves, left kidney, spline and suprarenal gland was successfully operated by a joint team of doctors of the National Clinical Hospital “Timofei Mosneaga”. Doctors said this was a medical case that is seldom met in Moldova, IPN reports, with reference to a press release of the hospital.

The patient started to have pain a month ago. Initially, she had pain in the back, then in the head and belly. She was administered treatment for pancreatitis, but her state of health didn’t improve. Later the doctors discovered a tumor on the right side of her thorax and she was admitted to the National Clinical Hospital. Owing to the complexity of the case and possible intra-operatory complications, a multidisciplinary team was set up to perform the surgery.

According to the doctors, such an operation can be performed only in a multidisciplinary hospital. The possible complications were many in number, but were all avoided. The surgery lasted for four hours. The girl was already discharged.