
Nine aspirants compete for post of National Bank governor


The special commission for selecting candidates for the post of governor of the National Banka of Moldova accepted the applications of nine contenders. Contacted by IPN, MP Stefan Creanga, who is the commission’s head, said they received 11 applications, but two of these were incomplete.

Among the candidates are ex-minister of finance Veceaslav Negruta, ex-first vice governor of the National Bank Dumitru Ursu, who heads the Bankers League of Moldova, and Andrei Sagaidac and Oleg Stratulat, who worked at state institutions.

There are also applicants with work experience in the banking sector, namely Nina Schendrea, Igor Olexici, Alexei Golub, Andrei Ceban, and Iachim Sergiu, who serves as a consultant at a company in Belgium.

The commission will examine the files within five days of the October 29 deadline and will then present the chosen candidate to Parliament.