
Nicolae Negru: I got the impression that Dodon plays with laws


Political commentator Nicole Negru considers President Igor Dodon continues the election campaign and didn’t stop thinking about elections and now probably thinks about the 2018 parliamentary elections. Commenting on the President’s actions at the start of his term, in an interview for Radio Free Europe, Nicolae Negru said that even if the Head of State does not have powers that could enable him to cause a catastrophe, this can go against the law and, in such a case, President Dodon plays with the laws of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

According to the commentator, the President definitely prepares for his meeting with the Russian leader and pays for the support he enjoyed from the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church in elections. “But he is not the President of all Moldovans, as he promised after the election outcome was announced and in the election campaign. He is simply the President of a part of Moldovans and wants to remain as such because he wants to bring the Party of Socialists to power in 2018,” noted Nicolae Negru.

The commentator said that even if Igor Dodon will yet set off ‘fireworks’, he cannot change the foreign course of Moldova. He can destabilize Moldova, can come into conflict with the parliamentary alliance and can organize referendums that cannot yet have a constitutional impact or a consultative referendum on the country’s foreign course, for example. But it is Parliament that ultimately decides and determines the foreign policy, while the Government implements it.

Nicolae Negru considers that in a way, what Igor Dodon does suits the president of the Democratic Party Vlad Plahotniuc as these somehow defying actions by the President strengthen the role of stabilizing force and of pro-European force of the parliamentary alliance. If this hypothesis is not right, Dodon could get out of control and early parliamentary elections could be caused, with Russia’s assistance, for example. But this game of causing elections in which Dodon became involved is very dangerous.

According to the commentator, it look as if Igor Dodon is controlled by an ‘oligarchic power’, on the one hand, and by the ‘Kremlin power’, on the other hand, and he seems to be oscillating. It’s not known who will win, but Plahotniuc risks a lot in this case, if Dodon gets out of control.