
Nicolae Chirtoaca: Designation of another candidate for premierships was a plan of oligarchs


The designation by the PLDM of another candidate for the post of Prime Minister, apart from Iurie Leanca, was a plan worked out by the oligarchs in a move to block the reforms, considers political analyst Nicolae Chirtoaca, who heads the People’s Force Party. He made such statements in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

According to Chirtoaca, Iurie Leanca posed a threat to the oligarchic system. “Oligarchy means corruption. All the priorities of Leanca’s government program run counter to the priorities of the leaders of the three parties – the PDM, PLDM and PCRM. They need a loyal person, not yet a Premier that would stick to his principles. Leanca went up to Golgota - his shameful failure in Parliament. I feel pity for Leanca because he was attracted into this dirty game,” he stated.

Nicolae Chirtoaca described the created situation as complete misery. “We have three oligarchic parties that are in fact financed by the same person. These parries are managed by three persons who are businessmen rather than politicians. A much harsher scenario will follow. A person loyal to the oligarchs will come to head the Government and this person will be fully controlled by these,” he said.

Nicolae Chirtoaca considers the failed attempt to invest the Leanca Government was planned beforehand. “They needed this circus in order to deceive the voters and the Europeans. The Leanca Government includes many ministers who started to really implement reforms. Now this new person comes and will stop the reforms. They may leave two-three ministers of the former Cabinet so as to mislead the people, but no reforms will be done and corruption will not be fought,” he noted.