
Nicolae Chirtoaca accuses political left of accepting foreign funding


All the political parties of the left taking part in the election campaign in Moldova are financed by Russia and promote the interests of this state, the leader of the People’s Force Party Nicolae Chirtoaca said in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

Chirtoaca believes that the main task of these parties is to attract the supporters of the Communist Party, which changed its mind and is no longer for Moldova’s entry into the Customs Union, and to come to power in order to hinder Moldova’s integration into the EU.

The politician considers that Moscow aims to restore its influence in Moldova through the agency of the Moldovan migrants who, according to the leader of the Socialists Igor Dodon, total about 600,000. “They calculated everything in detail. Initially, these people who went to earn money in Russia were constrained and intimidated. They didn’t want to go home for fear they will be banned from returning to Russia. Now that they saw that fewer polling places will be established in Russia, the Russian authorities offered the Moldovan migrants the chance to return home and then back to Russia without problems. This was done only for enabling them to vote,” explained Chirtoaca.

He also said that Russia considers Moldova a very simple country and its Government powerless so that it does not consider it necessary to invent sophisticated schemes to finance the political parties working for Moscow. He made reference to Renato Usatyi, saying he has influent persons and very good PR specialists behind him. “Firstly, they spent over 5 milling lei on concerts given by Russian stars that are popular with the Moldovan public. Thus, Usatyi became known. After improving his rating, Usatyi gave up organizing such concerts, arguing the Ministry of the Interior was staging provocations for him. This way they made this figure look important,” he stated.

As to the Party of Socialists, Nicolae Chirtoaca said that besides offering financing, the Russia authorities openly promote it. “Naryshkin’s statement that this party is the best in Moldova, the meeting of Putin, Dodon and Grecheanyi, the decision of the Federal Migration Service are nothing but elements of Moscow’s PR campaign in favor of the Moldovan Socialists,” he noted.

Nicolae Chirtoaca called on the authorities to penalize the political parties that are funded from abroad and that serve the needs of another state.