
NIA ascertains violation of incompatibility regime by Socialist MP


The MP of the Party of Socialists Alexandr Nesterovschi risks remaining without the seat of MP. The National Integrity Authority (NIA) issued a document whereby it ascertained the violation of the legal incompatibility regime by the MP, IPN reports.

The NIA said that Alexandr Nesterovschi became the manager of a firm in 2013. Since 2014, he has served as an MP, but didn’t renounce the post of firm manager during his two terms in office as an MP. It was determined that the MP continued to fulfill the duties of manager and put his signature on a number of fiscal invoices and other internal documents of the firm, ensuring this way the functionality of the company.

The inspector didn’t manage to determine if the MP was remunerated for serving as firm manager, but in his decision noted that the absence or presence of a salary is not relevant to this case for proving the holding of a remunerated post. The MP didn’t deal with the state of incompatibility by the legal time limit by vacating the seat of MP or by renouncing the post of manager.

If the document issued by the NIA remains definitive, the integrity inspector will notify Parliament so that this initiates the procedure for dismissing the MP. Alexandr Nesterovschi also risks being banned from holding a public post, including the seat of MP, for a three-year period, and is to be put on the NIA’s Bans Register.