The projects of three nongovernmental organizations became winners of the 2018 program of small grants for active aging. The projects will be implemented during seven months with the 100,000 lei provided from the state budget, IPN reports.
The public association “Adultii” based in Bulboaca village of Anenii Noi district aims to create a retired farmers’ club and to introduce a handicrafts course for elderly persons to teach them how to earn additional incomes with agricultural production and the made handiworks. Also, an accordion will be purchased for the local folkloric group “Bulboceanca” that consists of many elderly people.
Another winning project, of the Tiraspol-based public association ”Interactiune”, envisions the exchange of experience with similar organizations based in Edinet, Rabnita and Tiraspol. The goal of the partnerships is to strengthen the capacities of elderly people of active participation age within the decision-making process and to create a favorable environment for active and decent aging.
The public association “Pro Asistenta si Dezvoltare Comunitara” of Ciolacu Nou commune of Falesti district aims to ensure exchanges of experience and good practices between the seniors club created by the association, to found a new seniors club in Falesti town and to organize activities to inform the elderly about a healthy lifestyle and entrepreneurial orientation activities for elderly people.
The contest involved ten nongovernmental organizations that implement initiatives with an impact on the promotion of active aging policies at national and regional levels.