
NGO leader says President the only guilty of corruption in police


The only person guilty of the corruption in the Ministry of Domestic Affairs is namely Moldova's President Vladimir Voronin. The statement was made by the president of the non-governmental organization Moldova mea, Fiodor Ghelici, at a news conference on Wednesday. The NGO leader spoke on the President's request to sack 50% of the traffic police, that he made on Monday, May 19, at the Interior Ministry, Info-Prim Neo reports. Fiodor Ghelici has specified the benevolent attitude shown by the President in sharing awards and medals to police for years has led to the formation “of this structure of mafia with epaulets”. “One has the impression that the head of the state, getting power, left for a long vacation and, coming back after 7 years, he saw what is going on with the police,” Ghelici specified. He compared the President's initiative to a gesture of a father who after 20 years of absence is publicly scolding his daughter become a prostitute. “The gesture implies the President cannot lead the country any longer and he is in a state of despair,” underlined Moldova mea's leader. He says the President is not entitled to give such orders, which are the competence of the Ministry's leadership and its Internal Security Direction. Moldova mea's leader opines the only solution to fight corruption is to set up a specialized public commission subordinated to the Presidency, having advisory and informing duties. Ghelici specifies he'll ask the President to appoint him as the chairman of this commission. Earlier, Ghelici asked President Vladimir Voronin to appoint him as the head of the Economic Crimes and Corruption Combating Center.