
New provisions concerning convocation of General Assembly of Judges


If a General Assembly of Judges or of Prosecutors is not held because a quorum is not present, the reconvened assembly is held during a shorter period of time and the quorum for the rerun General Assembly is reduced to 1/3. This is provided in a draft law that was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Justice noted that the bill was drafted to regulate aspects regarding the election of members of the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Superior Council of Prosecutors by the General Assemblies of Judges and, respectively, of Prosecutors, which are currently not regulated by law.

The bill also regulates the situation when the General Assembly cannot be effectively convoked because the term in office of the CSM and CSP members expires, a quorum is not present or a state of emergency is declared. In such conditions, the General Assembly of Judges is to be convoked and opened by the head or acting head of the Superior Council of Magistracy. If the given posts are vacant, the General Assembly of Judges will be convoked and opened by the minister of justice.

The Superior Council of Magistracy earlier decided that the General Assembly of Judges will take place on March 17.