
New personal interest statements ‘in sight’


The civil servants continue to make personal interest statements public within the “Interests in Sight” campaign carried out by the Association of Independent Press (API) and the Anticorruption Alliance. This time, such statements were presented by two ministers and eight Liberal-Democrat MPs, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the API. Minister of Finance Veaceslav Negruta has a monthly salary of 8 520 lei. His wife Eugenia Negruta is a chief accountant at Consonanta SRL, where she earns 6 000 lei a month. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca has a salary of 8 000 lei a month. The incomes of his wife Aida Leanca have not been indicated. The vice president of the PLDM Valeriu Strelet is the founder and only owner of “Bioprotect” SRL, whose registered capital totals 450,000 lei. His wife Aurelia Braguta is a lecturer of the State University of Moldova, where she earned over 15,000 lei in 2010. Aurelia Braguta owns 34% of the shares in “Universul Copilariei” SRL to the value of 1 800 lei. Liberal-Democrat lawmaker Alexandru Cimbriciuc has a monthly salary of 7 100 lei. He is the founder of the guard firm “Ciuon-Pi” SRL. His wife Ala Cimbriciuc administers this firm and has a salary of 4,000 lei there. Alexandru Cimbriciuc is also the founder of “Turtica” SRL. The son of former President of Moldova Petru Lucinschi, Liberal-Democrat MP Chiril Lucinschi has a salary of 7,000 lei. He is the president of the Free Europe Foundation in Moldova and director of the “Lucinschi Foundation for Strategic Studies and International Relations Development. Chiril Lucinschi owns shares of 2 million lei in an investment company and is an associate of two advertising agencies. His wife Anna Lucinskaya did not declare her incomes. Liberal-Democrat lawmaker Valeriu Ghiletski has a salary of 7 000 lei. He is the co-founder of the microfinance association “Invest Credit”, and president of the European Baptist Federation. His wife Marina Ghiletski works as a registrar at a medical company. Iurie Tap earns 8 080 lei a month as an MP, while his wife Elena Tap has a monthly salary of 4 200 lei as a senior lecturer of the Teacher Training University “Ion Creanga”. The monthly salary of the Liberal-Democrat MP Petru Stirbate is 11,000 lei. His wife Ala Stirbate serves as division head at the Orhei Passport Division and earns 4 200 lei a month. Liberal-Democrat lawmaker Anatolie Dimitriu has a monthly salary of 7 100 lei, while his wife, Angela Dimitriu earns 8 900 lei as manager of the German Company “Finance in Motion”. The salary of the Liberal-Democrat MP Iurie Chiorescu is 7 100 lei. His wife Olimpia Chiorescu works as an economist at the Chisinau Local Agency of the National Health Insurance House, where she earns 3 025 lei a month. A number of 22 persons holding public posts have so far made personal interest statements public in accordance with the Law on the Conflict of Interests.