
New OSCE PA president elected


The President of the Political Committee of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), Goran Lennmarker (Sweden), member of the Conservative faction, was elected as OSCE PA chairman. Lennmarker was elected to this position by the 15-th Parliamentary Assembly, held in Brussels within the period 3-7 July. Lennmarker was as well the OSCE PA reporter for Mountain Karabah. 4 deputy chairmen of the PA also were elected - Benjamin Cardin (USA), Joao Soares (Portugal), and Tone Tingsgfrid (Sweden), who were appointed for a 3-year period, and Wolfgan Grossruck (Austria), appointed for 1 year. 5 persons ran for the position of OSCE PA president. Lennmarker replaced Alcee L. Hastings as chairman of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.