
New law on electoral system discriminates against certain people, Promo-LEX


Promo-LEX considers that the law on the joint electoral system that was passed recently discriminates against the Moldovans from abroad and those living on the left side of the Nistru. The association expresses its concern about the hurry in which amendments were made to the Election Code, IPN reports.

According to Promo-LEX, taking into account the number of voters who are permanently abroad (over 500,000) and in order to avoid the declaration of the given law as unconstitutional, the prohibition on opening uninominal electoral constituencies abroad must be removed. At least three zonal electoral constituencies must be set up for the polling places from abroad: in Europe, including in the EU member states; in the CIS, and in Asia, Australia, Northern and Southern America. The quality of the vote will be affected if uninominal constituencies are not opened for the territorial administrative unit of the second level – the Transnistrian region.

“We are sure that there are sufficient provisions that enable to create electoral constituencies for this region and electoral bodies. Problems can appear when establishing polling places, but they can be solved by opening polling places in the settlements controlled by the constitutional authorities,” the association says in a communiqué.

Promo-LEX considers that the problem concerning the participation of voters can be solved by reducing or excluding the required election threshold for rerun elections. In the worst case, the seats intended for lawmakers from the consciences of the Transnistrian region can remain vacant. At the same time, the equality of the vote will be ensured for everyone.

The association also said that the methods of providing indirect financial support to the elections by the state must be clearly defined.

On April 19, Parliament adopted amendments to the Election Code, which stipulate that half of the MPs will be elected according to party lists, while another half based on uninominal constituencies.