
New labs in 160 Moldovan schools


Physics, chemistry and biology laboratories in 160 schools in different parts of Moldova have been equipped with modern equipment and materials necessary for experiments and practical work. Meanwhile, classrooms have been equipped with interactive whiteboards and other modern devices. These schools were selected for funding on a competitive basis by the Ministry of Education and Research, within the "Education Reform in Moldova" project.

According to a press release from the Government, at the Ștefan Holban School in the village of Cărpineni, Hâncești district, the yard was paved, at the entrance and inside there are access ramps for children with special needs, and in the classrooms there are new desks and interactive or display boards. The physics room looks like a research lab. In each desk there is a panel with incorporated measuring devices. During practical work and experiments, the teacher gives students access to these devices using the button panel at his desk. There are 24 laptops in the IT room. With their help, students upload homework to the Google classroom platform, which allows them to start working on homework in class and finish it at home. The fact that the school has the necessary conditions for studies makes it attractive for various partnerships and donors. Thanks to the Tekwill project, accessed with the help of the United States Agency for Development (USAID), a Classroom of the Future has been set up. The biggest highlight here is the robotics platform.

Tamara Macari, the school principal, says these investments translate into good academic results. The school is attend by 657 children. In recent years, the baccalaureate pass rate here has been 100%, and many students have won places at olympiads and sports competitions.

In total, within the "Education Reform in Moldova" project, the Ministry of Education and Research purchased equipment and materials needed for physics, chemistry and biology laboratories for 160 schools, furniture and other necessary equipment for 23 schools, 10 thousand laptops needed during distance learning for students and teachers; and has improved, through training, the professional skills of teaching, management and support staff employed in the field of education.