
New director of “Apa-Canal Chisinau” inspects part of strategic facilities


The new director general of “Apa-Canal Chisinau” SA Valeriu Mesca started work by an inspection to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Maintenance Department. He pledged to continue the projects under implementation, saying he will soon design a plan of action to maintain the achieved economic indicators and to even improve them, IPN reports, with reference to a press release of the water supplier.

At the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Valeriu Mesca inspected the building site where the concrete platforms on which two new centrifuges to process sludge faster will be placed are being constructed. The director assured that the centrifuges will be installed as planned. “The water supplier bought the centrifuges with own resources, for 8 million lei. These will enable not only to treat the sludge according to the European standards, but to also make savings as we will no longer have to buy geotubes from the Netherlands,” stated the director. 

While at the Maintenance Department where works to repair the equipment and current repair works on the administrative blocs managed by the water supplier are being executed, Valeriu Mesca was informed that the 240 owned vehicles, most of which are old, break down often and cause headaches. He requested the officials in charge to assess the costs for maintaining the vehicles to see if it is advantageous to repair the used cars or to buy new ones.

At the end of his inspection, Valeriu Mesca said he aims to continue the launched projects and expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the company last year made a profit of 9.5 million lei.