
New deputy speaker of Parliament elected


The chair of the Socialist Party group, Vlad Batrîncea, was elected deputy speaker of Parliament. A deputy speaker of Parliament seat became vacant after Ion Ceban resigned as MP after his election as mayor of Chișinău.

The Parliament has three deputy speakers, namely Monica Babuc from the PDM, Mihail Popșoi from PAS and Alexandru Slusari from PPPDA.

In other news, the MPs adopted a decision regarding the numerical and nominal composition of the Permanent Bureau of the Parliament, consisting of 15 members. Four seats were distributed to the PSRM group, three seats to the Democratic Party group and a seat to each of the following groups: PAS group, ACUM bloc, ACUM group, DA Platform, and the Șor Party group. The speaker and and the deputy speakers of Parliament are part of the Permanent Bureau.