
New composition of SSC becomes apple of discord between MPs


The MPs express differing opinions about the new composition of the Supreme Security Council (SSC). The PAS MPs say the SCC members passed the professionalism and integrity test, while the Socialists MP describe the new composition of the Council as the most unapt one in Moldova’s history.

Under the decree signed by President Maia Sandu, the new SSC includes a PPPDA MP, Kiril Moțpan.

“There can be questions about particular persons, but it is up to Missis President to decide who should form part of the Supreme Security Council. We were contacted by the President and asked to propose a person on behalf of our parliamentary group. We delegated the person who consider is the most competent one – the former head of the Parliament’s national security commission,” PPPDA MP Alexandru Slusari stated in the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

PAS MP Sergiu Litvinenco provided a reply to the leader of the PSRM Igor Dodon, who earlier said that the presence of NGO members on the SSC endangers state security.

“What Mister President Dodon said was foolishness as, under the Law on National Security, corruption is a danger to state security. When we refer to corruption, we speak about Bahamas, schemes, Nikiforchuk, Andronachi, all those who have a direct or indirect tie with Dodon. The persons selected from civil society have a direct connection with state security,” noted Sergiu Litvinenco.

The Socialist MPs criticize the new composition of the SSC. According to them, the President delegated the persons not according to meritocracy, but according to their obedience to the party.

“There was never such an unapt composition that is based so much on party interests in the history of the Republic of Moldova. There were promoted persons who haven’t worked for institutions that ensure national security. The Council includes persons with serious integrity problems, with criminal cases,” said Socialist MP Grigore Novac.

When taking up her duties, President Maia Sandu modified the regulations for selecting candidates for SSC member. These must not have a criminal past and must have an irreproachable reputation. Currently, besides the ex-officio members, the SSC includes the secretary general of the President’s staff, three advisers to the President, three MPs, a NBM vice governor, a retired judge and two experts representing civil society.