
New clinical trial for COVID-19 treatment approved


The Medicines Commission of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency approved the third clinical study for the treatment of COVID-19. This is an international study that is conducted in parallel in 35 centers of the European Union and the U.S., IPN reports.

The Stanford University of the United States is the initiator and coordinator of these studies. The medicine is produced by two German pharmaceutical companies. According to the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, the medicine has an antiviral effect, being a new compound that proved its efficiency and safety in the research doses administered to patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (moderate-severe gravity).

In Moldova, the clinical study will be carried out at three study centers of the Infectious Diseases Hospital “Toma Ciorbă”, on the initiative of the Clinical Trial Center SRL of Romania.

All the clinical studies conducted in Moldova are performed under the surveillance and assessment of the National Clinical Study Ethical Expertise Committee of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection.