
Network of unified public service centers to be expanded


The number of unified public service centers increases from 17 to 100. The expansion of the network is stipulated in a draft law that was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday, IPN reports.

"Access to quality public services for the citizens across the country is a priority of the Government," said Ana Calinici, state secretary of the executive.

The necessary equipment, furniture and visibility materials will be transferred from the management of the e-Government Agency to administrative-territorial units that host public service centers.

"Through this bill, we bring public services closer to the people, ensure the modernization of services and the continuous implementation of the digitalization agenda," said Ana Calinici.

The unified center represents a channel for the provision of public services, through which the front-office service segment is taken over by a third-party entity. The latter, at the request of the service beneficiaries, transmits to service providers the applications for the provision of services and, as the case may be, attaches the necessary documents or issues the results of the service provision to the service beneficiaries. In this case, the service providers examine the submitted applications and provide the services (back-office).