
Negotiators have dissenting opinions as to distribution of posts in future Government


A round of negotiations on the creation of a new parliamentary majority and investiture of a new Government was held last Sunday, May 26. The negotiators said the discussions on the governance agreement are close to an end, but there are dissenting opinions as to the areas of which every party must be in charge, IPN reports.

Vadim Pistrinciuc, deputy head of the Liberal Democratic Party and negotiator on behalf of this party, said the Lib-Dems insist that such important areas as justice, human rights and law enforcement should be taken out of political influence and there should be no selective justice.  

The Democratic Party’s negotiator Valeriu Lazar said the parties will continue to be responsible for the institutions that they managed until now, except for the institutions that were inefficient and those that turned out to be affected by corruption. “We do not yet have a common opinion about what to do and how to do to improve things. Everybody understands that we must find a balance,” he stated.

Ana Gutu, negotiator on behalf of the Liberal reformers, said the text of the agreement will be adjusted and is to be finalized in the meetings with the party leaders. The group of Liberal reformers pleads for the maintenance of the status-quo and asks to be entrusted the Ministries of Transport, Defense and Environment, a post of Deputy Prime Minister on social matters, and “Moldsilva” Forestry Agency.

The negotiations between the PLDM, PDM and the group of Liberal reformers for constituting a new parliamentary majority were launched after Lib-Dem Iurie Leanca was nominated for premiership. By May 30, the politicians must sign the governance agreement so as to be able to invest the new Cabinet. The PLDM has 31 seats of MP, the PDM – 15, while the Liberal reformers – 7. The Government is installed by 51 votes of MP.