
Nearly 24,000 trees and shrubs to be planted in Old Orhei


Nearly 24,000 trees and shrubs will be planted on an area of 6 hectares in the protected area Old Orhei. The effort, carried out by the Ecologist Movement of Moldova in partnership with the administration of the cultural & natural reserve, has been launched today. 
The Movement said in a press release that over the course of April, on the sliver of land between the bridges from Trebujeni and Butuceni, tens of native species of trees and shrubs will be planted, including black locust, wild cherry, common hawthorn, European wild pear, ash, and wild privet.
Ecologist Movement president Alecu Reniţă said the selected species have an important role in protecting the Orhei Old and the river Răut. The tree planting effort has the twofold goal of improving the microclimate and reduce soil erosion in the protected area.