
National Unity Party launches “Memory Week” campaign


The National Unity Party (PUN) launches the annual historical campaign “Memory Week” that will last from June 28 until July 6. Within it, the citizens of Moldova and Romanian and the Romanians everywhere, who had ties with historical events - first and second weaves of Stalinist deportations, the operation to liberate Bessarabia from Soviet occupation and the day of Soviet occupation of Bessarabia - could post stories of their families accompanied by photos and videos, documents and  memoirs on personal pages or on the PUN’s website or could send them to the party’s email address, IPN reports.

In a news conference, PUN president Octavian Ţâcu said that this is a campaign launched to commemorate the historical events and in the period the party’s members and supporters will stage events and will lay flowers at a number of monuments, will take part in commemoration services and events to remember Romanian heroes who died in battles for the liberation of Bessarabia. “June and July are especially dramatic and symbolical in the history of Romanians. This period witnessed events that fundamentally marked the fate of the Romanian people from both banks of the Prut and the citizens of historical Bessarabia,” stated Octavian Ţâcu.

The politician noted that the list of localities and the process of organizing events as part of the campaign will be published on the party’s official website and all those who want can join the team. The materials and stories sent to the party will be distributed, posted and disseminated through the press, TV, radio and social networking sites. The most emotive postings will be awarded history books.

The historical campaign “Memory Week” starts at 11am on June 28 with a flashmob that will be mounted in front of the Parliament Building and ends on July 6 in Chisinau with laying of flowers and wreaths at the monuments to deportees in the square of the Railway Terminal and at the Cemetery of Romanian Heroes situated on Decebal Blvd.