The homes and property left without supervision can be the target of offenders. The persons who leave home for holidays are urged to make sure that the doors and windows are closed and the valuable things and money are in a safe place. They should ask neighbors to look after their dwellings while they are away. These are some of the recommendations formulated by the National Public Security Inspectorate.
The Inspectorate’s deputy head Alexei Grosu told a news conference that the rise in the number of road accidents during the winter holidays is primarily due to the fact that persons drive inebriated. He repeatedly called on motorists not to drive while inebriated and while tired.
Pavel Apostol, head of the Inspectorate’s Road Accidents Division, noted that the number of road accidents and of fatalities in traffic has declined since 2013. “In the course of a year, we had 450-500 road traffic fatalities. Now the figure does not exceed 300 cases,” he stated.
Teams of the National Public Security Inspectorate in the immediate period will patrol the most crowded areas and streets, including the high risk road sections. The traffic participants are urged to obey the instructions of traffic officers, to maintain an appropriate distance between vehicles and to give way to pedestrians, noted Pavel Apostol.
The information and awareness-raising campaign “Avoid being part of statistics, celebrate safely” will be conducted until January 31, 2023.