
National Movement for People announces new protest for March 12


The National Movement for People, which consists of a number of political parties, intends to stage a new antigovernment protest on March 12. According to the organizers, the current government does not try to provide appropriate responses to the legitimate requests of the citizens who do not have money to pay the high heat charges this winter.

In a news conference hosted by IPN, Shor Party MP Marina Tauber, who is a member of the National Movement for People, said that all the illegalities and abuses committed by the police and representatives of the National Road Transport Agency against the protesters during the February 28 demonstration will be categorized in legal terms.

“We hope the regime will no longer invent different scenarios to limit the citizens’ universal right to protest peacefully. We condemn the illegalities and abuses committed by the regime through the police force on February 28, when tens of thousands of people from all over the country were prevented from going to Chisinau,” stated the MP.

According to Marina Tauber, almost 600,000 people already signed in favor of the Movement’s initiative to demand that the Government should fully pay household users’ electricity, heat and gas bills during the three winter months. The MP encouraged the citizens to come to the March 12 protest. “This way, we promise and are sure that we will score a victory in what we planned,” she noted.

Another member of the Movement Mihai Petrache, chairman of the Centrist Union, said the government fully ignored the people’s will as it didn’t react to the two resolutions adopted in the protests of February 19 and February 28. “I tried to determine in what EU country the regime uses all the forces to block the people’s access to assembly, the freedom of expression and didn’t find such examples. The current government step by step borrowed all the injudicious and antidemocratic habits of the previous governments,” stated Mihai Petrache.

The head of the Party “Renaștere-Vozrojdenie” (“Renaissance”) Sergei Mișin also condemned the police abuses against protesters on February 28. “We, the representatives of the Movement for People, submitted both of the resolutions to the Parliament, the Government and the President, but they didn’t provide any response. In a democratic country, something like this is abnormal,” stated Sergei Mișin.

Tatiana Bordeianu, deputy head in charge of foreign relations and integration into the EU of the Party “We Build Europe at Home”, noted that the party’s members will continue struggling for the people, alongside the ordinary citizens. Unprecedented dictatorship was established in Moldova hidden under the mask of democracy. ‘”We, the National Movement for People, demand again that the bills should be paid fully, including your bills and the bills of your parents and grandparents, for three winter months. Do not allow to be used by this regime. Keep decency,” stated Tatiana Bordeianu.

Activist Maia Laguta, who also forms part of the Movement, said the protests in central Chisinau are staged not only in order to get response from the government, but also to make sure that the bills of the citizens are paid.

The protest will be mounted in front of the Parliament Building starting at 1pm.

Note: IPN News Agency gives the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.