
National Library hosts exhibition-homage to those who fought for Moldova’s independence


An exhibition-homage to those who in 1992 fought for the independence and integrity of the Republic of Moldova was mounted at the National Library. The displayed documents highlight the results of scientific research, especially of historians from the Republic of Moldova, who talk about this military conflict as about “one of the most painful periods since the declaring of independence”, when the Republic of Moldova, being a young country with a modest army, put up resistance to the Russian army,” National Library director general Elena Pintilei told IPN.

There are also exhibited portraits of Moldova’s fallen heroes. The exhibition aims to help the young generation to understand what happened in the Republic of Moldova in 1992.

The exhibition consists of documents kept at the National Library, which show the colossal impact of the Nistru war on the Republic of Moldova, given that the unrecognized Transnistrian autonomous region was created with the great influence of Russia. The exhibition is also a manifesto of peace.

“Taking into account the latest domestic and foreign policies of the Republic of Moldova, which promote the European values, we are once again convinced that Europe is a union of states that plead for peace. This war was cruel for the Republic of Moldova because we had no protection, we were not under the umbrella of the European Union then, and now we have the historic chance to become a member of the EU to plead together with the countries of the European Union for peace. The message of this exhibition is that we should integrate into the EU or history can repeat itself,’ stated Elena Pintilei.

Ludmila Yerushevski, a senior specialist in marketing and sociocultural communication at the National Library, noted that the exhibition was conceived as a tribute to those who sacrificed their youth, health, some of them even life, for the independence and integrity of the Republic of Moldova in difficult moments. Apart from the police and the military, there were thousands of volunteers who left their homes, families, parents, children, career. They didn’t hesitate and hurried to defend the country. The title of the exhibition is “The Nistru War. We don’t want it to happen again in our home!”

The presented about 90 documents from the library’s collections were organized into two categories: the Nistru War (causes, consequences, the Transnistrian conflict in public opinion), and Homage and Gratitude to the Nation’s Heroes. There are exhibited publications about the historical and political events of the 1992 Nistru War: albums “In memory of the heroes fallen on the Nistru”, “Heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fallen in battles for the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova”, “Memory book”, “War album”, “Army of the Republic of Moldova”, collections of documents and materials referring to the Transnistrian conflict and the  Russian troops in Moldova, books signed by Anatol Țăranu, Anatol Munteanu, Ruslan Shevckenko. The exhibits include the recently published book “A vision from the hotbed of the Dubăsari conflict” by Vlad Grecu, a combatant and resident of Dubăsari town. The book was appreciated both in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania, being honored with the TIME for COURAGE award.

The exhibition also includes awards, such as the “Golden Eagle” medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and elements of soldier clothing.

The exhibition can be visited until April 2 in the central block of the National Library.