National interest should be above party interests or personal ambitions. Info-Prim Neo interview with poet Adrian Paunescu
[ - How do you assess the political changes in Moldova and what are your expectations?]
- I consider them very important. They have been long expected by the people who want that this piece of Romanian land separated under the pressure of history revives. I have many and the best words of praise. One matter worries me – how economic pressure is exerted on certain zones in this region in order not to validate the political changes. I'm also concerned about the coming winter and the prices of fuel and gas, about the people's impatience. The previous days, I saw images of pensioners mistreating the Mayor of Chisinau. I will tell you a paradoxical thing: he is right and they are also right. This is the world in which we live and no miraculous solutions can be invented here. Unfortunately, what we have expected, mainly from Americans and Europeans, did not come true. Regretfully, it seems that we became an experiment for their solutions and goods.
[ - What did the Europeans and Americans expect and continue to expect in this period when the freedom is being discovered?]
- Not what they gave us. We became their counters and if we do not find a way out we will continue to be countries for experiments. Political generations changed in the West as well. The promises made by the old American and European leaders to the Eastern Europe were forgotten. We should receive technologies from them, not finished products that would be sold to the population with a low purchasing capacity. We must enjoy the fraternal assistance and develop ourselves, not allow their insignificant industries to replace our industries. We must not become dependent from economic, social and political viewpoints on another management center, as Moscow was earlier. Though the political meaning is very positive in Chisinau, as it was in Bucharest and other Eastern-European capitals, I would like to attract Moldovan authorities' attention to the fact that the solving of the economic problems and social equity are the most important things in this evolution. Otherwise, this late spring will not last.
[ - What shall the Government of Moldova do to avoid the disbandment of the coalition? Could Moldova learn from the mistakes committed by Romania?]
- If I knew the recipe I would propagate it. I assure you it will not learn anything. Moldova will see what it must not do, but will not know how it must do it. The only solution is the unity of the Democratic forces. The politicians must leave the vainglory aside, but this is practically impossible. They must avoid small and party interests, which is also practically impossible.
The Moldovan MPs should behave like members of a single party, not be self-centered. The national interest should not be more important than the party interests or personal ambitions. The Moldovan Government should think of the supreme interest: to free Moldova from underdevelopment, terror and bolshevism and join the European dreams.
[ - The press is now more often disseminating the idea of reunification. Is a union of the Romanians living on the two banks of the Prut possible in the near future?]
- It is possible, but I don’t think it is the right moment now. Moldova must strengthen the relations with the neighbors. It must have a good relationship with Moscow. A good relationship does not mean humiliation, but good neighborhood and reciprocal advantages.
The persons who bear the highest responsibility in Chisinau and Bucharest, i.e. the negotiators, must disseminate and promote the Romanian cause. They must show the historical truth. During 1992 and 1996, when Moldova was accepted into the Council of Europe, there was constituted a CE delegation headed by Finsberg, a powerful Mason who made proposals. He then tabled two amendments as regards Moldova’s acceptance into the CE: the first – to transfer the church under Moscow’s shield so that the Bessarabian Metropolitan Church does not depend on Bucharest anymore, and the second – Romania should make an official statement and promise it will never unit with Moldova. These amendments had been discussed by the political and cultural councils in London. I was there together with Adrian Severin. The night before the meetings became historical – we convinced Finsberg to withdraw the two amendments. So, influence can be exercised on those who make decisions concerning our peoples.
We need negotiators who will be able to infect those with whom they discuss with truth, regardless of how many poisoned gifts those that want to keep Moldova in the empire can make. If we have good negotiators, the result will be as in our fight with Ukraine for the territory near the Black Sea. We won.
[ - What can Romania do to help Moldova become part of the European family?]
- Regretfully, Romania is so disordered, impoverished and helpless that the help it can provide now to Moldova cannot be substantial. You know the folk song, which says “Two troubles get together”. Surely, we are wealthier than you and we must make everything possible for our relations not to be pragmatic: we must not want something from you. The anti-Romania press in Bucharest said earlier that we sell gas, electric power and something else to you, but you support the Russians. Nobody can ban Moldova from having normal relations with Moscow. On the contrary, they must be based on dignity and advantages for the Russians, who are a great people, and for the Romanians from Moldova, because they are also part of a large Romanian people. If our leaders went hunting together with Russian leaders, as the Americans and Germans do, and the historical truth would be gradually revealed in the given relation, it would be much easier.
[ - The regaining of Romanian nationality remains a painful issue for the Bessarabians. How can the situation be remedied?]
- This issue should arouse interest. Once, I had good, even friendly relations with President Traian Bssescu. I told him a lot about Bessarabia. I read him my poems, which made him shudder. Four years ago, I saw him entering a good relation with Voronin. I had nothing to reproach then. But when I found out later that Romania’s anti-Communist President supported the Communist candidate in the presidential elections in Moldova, moreover he urged the PPCD leader Iurie Rosca to form an alliance with the Communists, disappointing the people, I though it was a nightmare. And when Voronin said that Romanian helped the Opposition win the elections, I though he was talking irrationally. But he was speaking from his experience with Romania, when Basescu helped him. This is unbearable.
[ - However, the relations between Voronin and Basescu have worsened.]
- They were abnormal and based on two extremely different opinions about the national identity. Any Romanian, even if in sleep, will tell you that Bessarabia is a Romanian land and a Romanian people. It is another state, not yet another people. Moldova and Ardeal are my two pains and two loves. I did a lot to discover the drama of Ardeal and the tragedy of Bessarabia. You know, there is a theory in the dirty diplomacy: join with Bessarabia, but yield Ardeal. Only the rascals can say so. Neither Bessarabia nor Ardeal can be yielded. They have always been and will be Romanian lands.
[ - What about the delay in the citizenship granting process?]
- I pleaded a lot this cause and ask you to wait until December.
[ - Do you refer to the presidential elections in Romania?]
- The official Bucharest is to give a clear answer as regards the facilitation of the process.
[ - Do you wants to say that if Traian Basescu remains President things will not change, but if Mircea Geoana wins the situation will be different?]
- Geoana also had reserves. He said we should not empty Bessarabia of people. I had then an answer: “Then go and replace them and form the number.” The problem must be solved radically, by offering Romanian nationality to all those who had it and to their successors.
[ - What does poet Adrian Paunescu do today?]
- Poet Adrian Paunescu writes. Newspaperman Adrian Paunescu works for the weekly “Flacara”. My latest books “Prayer for the Parents”, 2007, and “Disposable Freedom”, 2009, are very popular. For example, the manuscript of the poem “Prayer for the Parents” was sold at a charity auction for 10,000 euros. This price is several times larger than the price of the objects exhibited there (paintings, gold, diamonds). The journal “Flacara” deals weekly with the problems faced by Bessarabia. Such professionals as Nicolae Dabija and Mihai Cimpoi, journalists of “Timpul” “Literatura si Arta”, “Jurnal de Chisinau” and other publications contribute regularly to the weekly. The meetings of the literary club “Flacara” go on, but are more seldom as we encounter financial problems...