
National GUAM coordinators to discuss about the implementations of the decisions from the Kiev summit


The Reunion of National Coordinators’ Council and of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development of GUAM (ODDE-GUAM) will take place on September 14-15 in Kiev. According to the minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI), the GUAM National Coordinators will discuss during the meeting topics regarding the realization and implementation of the decision made in the GUAM summit from Kiev (May 22-23, 2006), will define the action plan for 2006/2007 and will discuss the budget for 2007/2008. A series of documents have to be elaborated, which will be agreed upon during the Reunion of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs’ Council of ODDE-GUAM member countries, scheduled for September 25 in New York (USA). The Republic of Moldova is represented at the Reunion by Valeriu Ostalep, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, GUAM National Coordinator. The foundation of GUAM was announced in the autumn of 1997 by presidents of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and the Republic of Moldova, which signed in Strasbourg an intention declaration. On April 25, 1999, in Washington, during festivities on the 50th anniversary of the NATO organization, Uzbekistan also joined GUAM, at the organization was renamed into GUUAM. In May 2005, shortly after the Chisinau summit, Uzbekistan announced it will exit the organization.