
National Farmers Federation and CUB join Great National Assembly initiative


The National Farmers Federation of Moldova welcomes President Maia Sandu’s initiative to convoke on May 21 the Great National Assembly in which the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, supporters of Moldova’s accession to the EU, would democratically express their views about the European future of Moldova. The Coalition for Unity and Wellbeing (CUB) also expressed its readiness to take part in the National Assembly, IPN reports.

The National Farmers Federation of Moldova expressed its trust in the socioeconomic development opportunities of Moldova, which can be ensured through the agency of relations with the civilized countries that are part of the free world in which the human rights, freedom and the general human values are respected. The Federation noted the support provided to the agricultural sector of Moldova in time by the European Union, different development agents, organizations, foundations as part of multiple programs and technical and investment assistance projects. It called on all the farmers from the country to perceive the significance and importance of this event and on May 21 to come to the Great National Assembly and vote for the European future of Moldova, the future of the children and grandchildren.

The Coalition for Unity and Wellbeing supports the idea of unity of the European course for any party that places the national ideal in the center of their political aspirations. “We, the CUB, are a liberal party anchored in one of the most vigorous European political families, ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe). During a short period of time, the CUB will join the family of European Liberals as a full-fledged member and will take part in the ALDE Congress in Stockholm. In the spirit of these aspirations, we are solidary with the European idea in the Republic of Moldova, asking the current government to ensure normal consultation mechanisms and an institutionalized dialogue, respecting the rule of law and good faith in reaching the consensus needed for joining the European Union,” the Coalition noted in a press release.

The political party considers it is necessary to adopt a Resolution at the National Assembly, which would express the unity of the pro-European forces. The Resolution should stipulate the commitment to effectively and without deviation implement the Copenhagen criteria, ending of the state of emergency and termination of the tenure of the Commission for Exceptional Situations, withdrawal from the legislative procedure of dangerous bills that were harshly criticized in the opinions of the Venice Commission. The document should also envision the extension of the strategic partnerships with Romania, the EU and the U.S. as measures to build resilience and to fully align the Republic of Moldova with the standards of the Western world, and the immediate withdrawal from the existing CIS bodies and other geopolitical organizations controlled by Russia.

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, recently proposed convoking a National Assembly of citizens. The European Moldova Assembly will be held in the Great National Assembly.