
National Bank presents particularities of national costume


The symbolism and chromatic metaphor of the folk costume, the elements of the blouse with embroidery on the shoulder and the skirt or apron specific to the geographical areas, as well as albums with models of traditional costumes can be seen at an exhibition of publications mounted at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

The National Library in a press release said that the thematic exhibition aims to promote national cultural values, decorative arts and traditional artistic creations by valorizing the authentic folk costume. The Moldovan people are rich in traditions and customs and the folk costume has a special role in the cultural life of the Republic of Moldova. The Moldavian folk costume represents the individuality and originality of a people. It is the priceless historical source of beauty and a continuous perpetuation of traditions through its simple existence in the collective memory of the people who do not cease to keep its existence as pure as possible.

The period of formation of the specific features of the traditional Moldavian costume coincides with the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, making it different from the costumes of neighboring ethnic groups. Each period in the history of the Moldavian costume, the structure and evolution retained the essential characteristics. We received as a gift from the ancestors special, carefully woven garments, superb blowses sewn so finely, almost unreally and simultaneously perfectly, clothing with great historical and sentimental value, which represents a mysterious link between generations, said the Library.

The exhibition includes about 50 publications from the collections of the Library, which can be explored during June – September 2024 at the exhibition space “Art and Maps Collection”, block No. 2 of the National Library.