
Natalia Gavrilița: We have few chances because we are an anticorruption Government


The candidate for Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița said the governmental team she will propose to Parliament next week has few chances to pass the test in the legislature as this aims to fight corruption and the schemes to appropriate public funds. If they manage to obtain a vote of confidence from the MPs, they will primarily focus on the economic and pandemic crisis, IPN reports.

Natalia Gavrilița noted that even if a team of professionals was formed and she has a government program aimed at overcoming the economic crisis and at taking the country out of international isolation, there are big chances that this Government will not be voted in.

“We have not many chances because we are an anti-corruption, pro-European government, but we have a serious, professional government program that can ensure increased justice and welfare and can take Moldova out of international isolation,” the candidate stated in the talk show “Good Evening” on the public TV channel Moldova 1.

However, Natalia Gavrilița said that all the members of the team are ready to take over governance if Parliament gives them a vote of confidence. If there is no parliamentary majority that would support this Government, they will resort to the responsibility assumption mechanism and other instruments so as to help the people overcome the crisis, to clear the state institutions of corrupt people and to destroy the schemes built by the MPs who changed parties for three times.

The members of the team led by Natalia Gavrilița said they accepted the challenge to form part of a Government with reduced chances of being voted in so as to force the triggering of snap parliamentary elections. However, they do not rule out the possibility that a parliamentary majority can be formalized after the first attempt to vote in the Gavrilița Government fails.

“At least hypothetically, there is a risk that the thieves from Parliament will combine forces and will provide at least 51 signatures for avoiding snap elections. It’s definite that many people in Parliament do not want snap elections. These people came to Parliament to steal, to protect their evil interests and to obtain parliamentary immunity. Next week, we will separate the wheat from the chaff,” said PAS vice president who was proposed for minister of foreign affairs Mihai Popșoi.

Under the law, if two attempts to vote in a new Government fail and the Constitutional Court ascertain the circumstances for dissolving Parliament, this is dissolved and snap elections are called.