
Natalia Gavrilița: Integration into EU is an additional security guarantee for Moldova


The integration into the European Union is an additional security guarantee for the Republic of Moldova, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilițan stated in the opening of the ninth edition of the Moldovan European Integration Forum, IPN reports.

“The energy syncope, the violation of the airspace of the Republic of Moldova and other witnessed actions make us extremely vulnerable. Even if the Constitution stipulates the country’s status of neutrality, we will have to strengthen our capacities to deal with the security climate that is much more uncertain than before February 24. We regard the integration into the EU as an additional guarantee for our country’s security. I refer here to the affiliation to the common space of freedom, security and justice,” noted Natalia Gavrilița.

The official said the obtaining of the EU candidate status is a firm commitment to transform the Republic of Moldova into a modern and prosperous European state with a resilient economy and an independent judiciary.

“This is the objective of a whole generation and society, which goes beyond the temporal limits of a political cycle. For the first time since the obtaining of Independence, we have an authentic country project that we are obliged to implement till the end. Our European integration objective must be assessed in a balanced way, with optimism and realism. We must see the sociological reality. Not all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova are yet sure of the importance and necessity of the European course,” said Premier Gavrilița.

She underlined that a consolidated position in society is needed and the grassroots should realize that Europe means prosperity, freedom, security and solidarity.

“Regrettably, we witness a hybrid war at home. Disinformation, inciting of destabilization or the use of energy as a weapon represent the most serious challenges on the path of European integration. Profiting from the precarious socioeconomic situation generated by the cruel war waged by Russia against Ukraine, the forces for stealing and war in our country want to annihilate our road to the free world and continue to daily spread lies about the EU and the benefits of accession for each citizen,” stated the Premier.

For his part, Vlad Cuc, secretary of state of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, said that about one third of the country’s citizens are more skeptical about the integration into the EU. Nevertheless, over 50% of the county’s citizens are for integration into the EU.

Vasile Cantarji, of CBS- Research, made reference to the Public Opinion Barometers that shows the Moldovans consider the integration into the EU is a process that will yet last for many years.

“Regrettably, we must ascertain a particular level of uncertainty in this regard. There are citizens who believe that we will never integrate into the EU. Many citizens believe this can happen in a distant future. It is yet definite that a pro-European people’s government is the main condition for an eventual success is a referendum in which the citizens would vote for European integration,” stated Vasile Cantarji

The Moldovan European Integration Forum was staged by the Foreign Policy Association and the Institute for European Policies and Reforms in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Moldova.