
Natalia Bairam: We continue to have captured state


The Republic of Moldova continues to be captured and this situation is due to the political class, including the PSRM, which formed part of the government. The Electoral Bloc “Renato Usatîi”, being in the opposition, was the first that protested and reported the offenses committed by this oligarchic-mafiotic regime, the bloc’s representative Natalia Bairam stated in IPN’s fourth debate of the series “Analyzing Electoral Supply and Demand-2021”. “On June 8, 2019, Parliament adopted a statement on the recognition of state capture, but, cynically, the MPs did nothing else as they lacked political will and wish. The solution of the Electoral Bloc “Renato Usatîi” is to return to that statement and to implement those provisions that were assumed, but weren’t implemented,” stated Natalia Bairam.

Asked how the relations between Moldova and Russia as a strategic partner will develop given that Renato Usatîi has problems, including a criminal case started in the Russian Federation, Natalia Bairam replied that Igor Dodon should be afraid as he has criminal cases in Moldova. In Moldova, Renato Usatîi does not have any criminal case, while that started in Russian was fabricated. Their relations with the Russian Federation are very good.

Asked by another participant in the debate how it happened that the local public administration in Bălți led by Renato Usatîi stole at least 146 million lei and how they can guarantee that the same practice will not be repeated, Natalia Bairam said these accusations are unfounded and these are calumnious assertions as the carried out inspections didn’t reveal any violation.

She noted that the bloc’s view is based on the active role of the state, on a progressive taxation model and equitable redistribution of taxes. They aim to liquidate the unreasonably high pensions. The discrepancy between the rich and those who live at the poverty line can be eliminated by implementing the progressive taxation system and equitably distributing taxes to the socially deprived groups. The bloc’s program also contains a chapter with actions and bills aimed at fighting corruption.

Natalia Bairam said the snap parliamentary elections of July 11 are the most important ones in the history of independent Republic of Moldova. The Electoral Bloc “Renato Usatîi” in 2014 was illegally removed from the electoral race, but it continued to struggle and proved that it is a force. “We come with a concrete electoral program and concrete actions to fight corruption. Vote the power of the truth – the Electoral Bloc “Renato Usatîi”,” she said, addressing the voters.

In the July 11 snap parliamentary elections, the Electoral Bloc “RENATO USATÎI” will be under No.3 on the ballot. The fourth electoral debate also involved the representative of the Building Europe at Home Party “PACE” and the Electoral Bloc of the Communists and the Socialists.

IPN’s fifth electoral debate set for July 5, 11:15am, will feature the election contenders Veaceslav Valico (independent candidate) and the Party of Regions of Moldova.

IPN Agency stages the electoral debates as part of the series “Developing Political Culture though Public Debates”, with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation.