
Municipal councilors complain about the poor activity of the City Hall staff


Interpellations made by municipal councilors, as part of an extraordinary session on Thursday, November 2, were related, especially to the insufficient activity of the City Hall and that of the interim mayor, Vasile Ursu. In this sense, the communist councilor Victor Borgula said that actual local administration inherited what was worse from the past, including the disrespectful attitude towards the councilors. According to his words, the City Hall personnel offered the councilors information for the Thursday session only on Wednesday, which contravenes the legislation in force, so that they had no time to study these documents. Borgula asserts that Vasile Ursu doesn’t have any reasons to summon an extraordinary session to just coordinate some issues with the City Hall staff. Moreover, the communist councilor asserts that the actual City Hall apparatus ignores the interpellations made by councilors, avoiding to provide direct answers, including those on serious issues that cannot be delayed, qualifying this attitude as a cynical. In the context, the head of the PPCD faction, Alexandru Corduneanu, declared that the Municipal Council cannot normally work when it does not have the decision drafts included in the agenda at least 5 days earlier, as the legislation provides. Corduneanu requested that Ursu makes transparent the activity of the commission for designing the General Urban Plan and contributes to paying wages to employees of the Urban Bus Fleet, which didn’t receive any money for several months. Councilors also requested that the interim mayor reports on the situation at the kindergarten from Cruzesti where children endure cold in unheated rooms. The Councilor representing “Ravnopravie” social-political movement, Valeri Climenco, is indignant at the situation when the capital is ruled by the state’s government and not by the local public administration. He requested explanations from City Hall leaders concerning the plot near Bacioi village, offered for free, at the initiative of President Voronin, to a foreign company for the construction of “Orasul Soarelui” (“Sun City”). Climenco asserts that this land has been sold to several companies and explanations from Ursu. As retort, the leader of the communist faction Svetlana Popa, declared that the plot localized near the airport is private property, this statement provoking chuckles and disproval in the session hall. Victor Grebenscicov a councilor representing PPCD made an interpellation concerning the construction of an entertainment center on the territory of the Jewish Cemetery from the Buiucani district, started recently by the “Veromex-com” company in conformity with the dispositions of the interim mayor. As he affirms, bulldozers exhume mortal remains, carrying them away as waste. Grebenscicov requested that the City Hall apparatus informs the Municipal Council about how this absurd situation could be possible. The communist councilor Victor Borgula specified that, although the accusations for the distribution of this plot were brought to the previous leader of the City Hall, the building permission has been given recently by the actual leaders. The councilor representing the “Moldova Noastra” Alliance, Pavel Caba, requested the interim mayor to convene in due time an extraordinary session. At this session, the councilors are to discuss matters regarding the bills on the public local administration and the statute of Chisinau Municipality, which are being examined by the Parliament. The councilor affirms that MPs cannot analyze such issues of great importance for the capital without local consent. Caba solicited to summon a session within a month, because half a year before the elections the legislation in force cannot be amended.