
MPs’ reactions after suspension of law for which Government assumed responsibility


The vice president of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” Alexandru Slusari said that Prime Minister Ion Chicu is definitely aware of the fact that MP Dinu Plîngău asked to suspend three articles that bear no relation to the measures aimed at supporting the population, concerning the duty-free products, tobacco and local taxes. According to him, Premier Chicu is a liar who generated a civil conflict and he should resign immediately after the pandemic crisis is overcome, IPN reports.

“Without doubt, Chicu realizes that the Constitutional Court, on its own initiative, suspended the whole law that was approved by assuming responsibility for it and decided that the case will be examined at midday on April 13. Chicu probably didn’t read all the argued proposals of the DA Platform and of other real opposition forces concerning the support for the population and businesses, especially the unemployed, patent holders and farmers, primarily because these proposals were submitted at the start of the crisis. Why did this buffoon Prime Minister lie impudently and cynically? Why did he manipulate society, lying shamelessly that the people will not get unemployment benefit because of the opposition?” Alexandru Slusari asked in a posting on Facebook.

According to him, the answer is simple and sad. “This Government is increasingly losing control of the situation. There are more signals about the hiding of the real figures about the infections among people. There are more reports showing that in this dramatic situation the government is dealing with the multiplication of different criminal economic schemes,” stated the MP.

The Party “Action and Solidarity” accused the Chicu Government of being irresponsible and cynical. “Instead of respecting the procedures defined in the Constitution and the Constitutional Court’s case law concerning the assumption of responsibility by the Government, it preferred to violate them consciously and openly, delaying thus further the provision of the not so significant assistance allowed for by this law. The Constitutional Court hasn’t yet examined our application by which we demanded to annul provisions that openly promote schemes of corruption in favor of representatives of the current parliamentary majority: exemption of duty-free shops from taxes; modification of the size of taxes for extracting natural resources and extension of the period after which the cigarettes should be sold according to new rules,” the PAS said in a press release.

The leader of the Pro Moldova parliamentary group Andrian Candu said the government made a new large-scale public mistake. “How great should the violations be for these to be recognized by a Court to which you delegated your former party heavyweights? The state of emergency does not mean the go-ahead for corruption, abuses and violations. We will not allow you to do what you want as long as the people stay at home and you profit from the difficult situation in the country. The Commission for Exceptional Situations could and can adopt decisions to provide support to the people with an immediate effect. Parliament could have voted the law in two readings so that it was promulgated the same day. There are efficient legal instruments for supporting the population and doctors,” Andrian Candu stated in a comment.

By its April 9 judgment, the Constitutional Court suspended the law adopted by the Government by assuming responsibility for it bypassing Parliament on April 2. It is to pronounce on the constitutionality of the Law on April 13 following challenges filed by MPs of the DA Platform, the PAS and the Pro Moldova group and independent MP Alexandr Oleinic. Only the parties will have access to the Court’s sitting. Those interested can follow it live on the Court’s website.