
MPs not contented with officials’ explanations about border incident


The Opposition parliamentarians are not satisfied with the explanations over the incident at Leuseni Customs provided by the head of the Border Guard Service Igor Colenov and demand that he should come to the Parliament. But the Communist MPs rejected the proposal on October 18. After Wednesday’s meeting of the Government, Colenov said that the three Romanian delegations were denied access to the customs because they wanted to cross the border without waiting for their turn and that two border guards were punished for this. On the other hand, at Parliament’s meeting on October 18 MP Vitalia Pavlicenco said that the given explanations are not plausible and asked that representatives of the Border Guard Service come to the Parliament. The Communist parliamentarians voted against and the proposal was not accepted. At the same time, Communist MP Iurie Stoicov said that the incident will be examined by the parliamentary commission for national security, defence and public order next week. At the same meeting, the Opposition MPs brought up the given issue several time. Igor Klipii requested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration should send representatives to the Parliament to give explanations. Gheorghe Susarenco asked the Prosecutor General’s Office to investigate the case because, according to him, the legal stipulations that the citizens of the EU member states can enter Moldova without visas were violated.