
MPs Mihai Popșoi, Doina Gherman and Dan Perciun about PAS accomplishments over a year


Despite the difficulties, the Republic of Moldova passed the stage when the country’s fate was uncertain. The geopolitical oscillation of Moldova came to an end. The Republic of Moldova is firmly anchored in the system of values and the geopolitical system of the European Union, Deputy Parliament Speaker Mihai Popșoi, PAS, stated in a conference titled “PAS reports”.  

According to the MP, together with the obtaining of the candidate country status, the European integration of the Republic of Moldova becomes irreversible. “Those who work in agriculture will be able to easier export products to the EU owing to the larger export quotas. The carriers benefitting from liberalization in the field will be able to easier operate in the European Union. The energy sector also benefits from the Republic of Moldova’s integration into the European Union’s energy system. In the security and defense sectors, the European Union also supports us so that the Republic of Moldova could defend its independence and sovereignty”, IPN quoted Mihai Popșoi as saying.

Doina Gherman, head of the Parliament’s commission on foreign affairs and European integration, stated that the current government adopted a law that encourages the setting for equal pays for women and men, made amendments to the Labor Code and the law on the ensuring of equal chances so as to encourage employers to be more correct and transparent and to make sure the male and female employees have the right to equal pay for equal work.

The PAS government adopted changes to the Labor Code to ensure a balance between work and family life, to extend the paternity leave and to distribute the childcare allowance between spouses, to encourage the equal participation of parents in the raising of children.

“We want to enable mothers to return swifter to work from maternity leave and therefore adopted a law to create crèches at the place of work for children younger than three. During the first 100 days, we ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against woman and domestic violence for the women and girls from our country to live safely. We supported the Government to launch the roadmap for the economic empowerment of women in the Republic of Moldova. We have a concrete plan to extend alternative childcare services, to promote dual education among girls and women, including digital and financial literacy of women,” stated Doina Gherman.

Dan Perciun, head of the Parliament’s commission on social protection, health and family, said that despite the crises experienced by Moldova, most of the social commitments were fulfilled. During a year of the snap parliamentary elections, the minimum pension was raised by 68% and 308,000 pensioners benefitted from the rise. The pensions were later indexed by almost 14%. The minimum pension at the moment is 2,278 lei.

“The new pension indexation mechanism meant an extra 171 lei offered this April to hundreds of thousands of people. By the end of July, we will adopt a law that will enable all those who worked after retiring to have their pensions recalculated and will benefit from a rise. In general, over the past ten months we ensured the pension rose by 900 lei on average, up 40% on September 2021. In 2016-2019, the pension grew by only 50%,” stated Dan Perciun.

The PAS MP added that the monthly allocation for persons with severe disabilities last September was 891 lei, but now it is 1,708 lei. The minimum pension for a person with moderate disabilities was raised from 570 lei to 1,139 lei.

The conference “PAS reports” was held to mark one year of government by the Party of Action and Solidarity that holds a majority in Parliament and controls the Government.