
MPs and judges commit most of irregularities when they declare property


The MPs and judges are those who commit most of the irregularities when they declare their incomes and property. The Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT) monitors the income statements submitted by public servants and analyzes these on the website avere.md. ADEPT executive director Igor Botan, in a news conference at IPN, said that by presenting erroneous information, the officials show that they lack integrity.

The ADEPT monitoring showed the main irregularities include the non-declaration of the value of owned property or diminution of the value of the declared property. The website avere.md provides several rankings of judges with luxury cars who declare that the vehicles cost a derisory price and MPs who declare that they do not possess dwellings or, in general, do not have incomes.

In 82 of the cases, the state officials omitted to indicate the value of land, apartment/houses or of vehicles that are in their possession or use. In 55 cases, the bank accounts weren’t declared. In 25 of the cases, ADEPT ascertained the diminution of the value of the declared property, while in 23 cases the officials declared incomes and property that are not concordant with their interests.

Igor Botan said the state officials intentionally diminish the value of property or do not indicate all the owned property to show that they are closer to the people or so as not to shock the impoverished society.

By offering free and permanent access to synthetized information about the incomes, property and interests of public servants, ADEPT aims to contribute to increasing the people’s interest in corruption among state officials, unjust enrichment and influence peddling so that they more thoroughly monitor the integrity of officials.

The website was created and is maintained within the project “Increasing public control over the integrity of persons holding public posts”, which is financed by Soros Foundation Moldova. The statements of 245 officials have been so far published on avere.md. Some of these officials already vacated their seats.