
MPs about President’s announcement: New political war is triggered


President Maia Sandu’s ultimatum-like announcement as regards the inducing of snap parliamentary elections or the initiation of the procedure for suspending her from office by a referendum divided the MPs into camps. The Socialists and the Democrats say it is a premiere for the Republic of Moldova that a Constitutional Court judgment is not respected at the upper level, while the PAS MPs note the exceptional situation in the country necessitates radical measures, IPN reports.

The Socialist MPs expressed their bewilderment at president Sandu’s announcement, saying the official does nothing by deepen the political crisis in Moldova.

“Missis President Sandu is again on the barricades. Instead of analyzing the Constitutional Court’s judgment, the President adds fuel to the fire and triggers a new political war. In the 1990s, when the President started a confrontation with Parliament, the legislature always won this war because it wasn’t subordinated to the President,” Socialist MP Vasile Bolea stated in the talk show “Natalia Morari’s Politics” on TV8 channel.

For their part, the MPs of the Party of Action and Solidarity say the snap legislative elections for reelecting Parliament is the only method for breaking the political deadlock. 

“I’m proud of the decision taken by the President. There is a big difference between the incumbent President and Igor Dodon, who was afraid of Plahotniuc. Now the choice is between a group of MPs who are afraid of snap elections and who want to continue stealing and the people’s decision to decide their future,” said PAS MP Mihai Popșoi, Deputy Parliament Speaker.

The Democrats urge President Sandu to comply with the Constitutional Court’s judgment and to initiate consultations with the parliamentary groups.

“The President must ensure peace and cooperation. This war between the presidential institution, Parliament and now also the
Constitutional Court should not exist. It will be a premiere for the country if the President does not comply with the Court’s judgment. A compromise should be reached and the parliamentary groups should be thus invited to consultations,” stated Democratic MP Dumitru Diacov.

President Maia Sandu said the people are the ones who hold power in the state and can solve the created situation. At snap elections or at referendum, the citizens will decide their and the country’s future, the official stated after the Constitutional Court passed its judgment by which her decree to nominate Nataliei Gavrilița as Prime Minister the second time was declared unconstitutional.

The CC held the parliamentary groups and the President of the Republic of Moldova should have new consultations so as to choose a candidate for Prime Minister.