
MP: Public Services Agency increased tariffs in order to be able to repay loans


The vice president of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform”, MP Alexandru Slusari, who runs for MP on the list of the PPPDA, said the Public Services Agency (PSA) substantially increased the tariffs for its services so as to be able to repay the raised loans. According to him, it is a criminal scheme as the Agency shifts the repayment of the loans onto the people while wasting public funds of hundreds of millions of lei on Plahotniuc’s gang, IPN reports.

Alexandru Slusari said the scheme was introduced in several stages, starting with 2017, when the Filip Government announced the founding of the PSA. The institution is responsible for the provision of cadastral services, registration of enterprises and organizations and of motor vacuoles, issuing of identification paper and civil status documents. It was then announced that the tariffs for the Agency’s services will not be increased.

The process of creating multifunctional centers was launched in 2018. Alexandru Slusari said that in most of the cases the PSA does not use the multiple public property buildings that were recently modernized, but is based in privately owned buildings that are mostly the property of persons affiliated to Plahotniuc and the Democratic Party.  This way, the PSA takes out loans of hundreds of millions of lei for purchasing or renting buildings and for carrying out extensive repair works in these buildings. The total value of the raised loans is 326 million lei.

Moreover, the repair works in the future multifunctional centers were performed by companies that are also close to the government. The largest sum, of 70 million lei, was transferred by the PSA to Aria Grup SRL that is managed by Constantin Hincota – the same company that tried to come into possession of the Press House.

The MP noted that after the elections, the PPPDA will obtain the reduction of all the tariffs and will launch a complex audit of the Agency’s activity and will demand to investigate all its actions.

On June 1, the tariffs of a number of services provided by the PSA were increased. The tariff for issuing license plates was raised from 480 to 550 lei, while for identifying the vehicle in the case of the first registration in the Republic of Moldova – from 400 to 600 lei. The identification of the vehicle registered in the Retinoic of Moldova costs 280 lei, up from 200 lei, issuing of a car registration certificate - 330 lei, as opposed to 320 lei earlier.