
MP Nesterovschi to challenge in court document issued by NIA


Socialist MP Alexandr Nesterovschi does not agree with the National Integrity Authority’s conclusion that he violated the legal incompatibility regime and will challenge the document in court.

Contacted by IPN for a comment, Alexandr Nesterovschi said that before becoming an MP, he and a friend of his started a business that later provided tourism services. When the company began to work, he took up as its manager, but he wasn’t employed and didn’t get a salary and this is important.

Another person was later named as director and the license was registered in the name of this person. Alexandr Nesterovschi noted that when he ran for the post of MP, he knew that an MP must not be employed and must not receive salary from another workplace than from Parliament. “I would recommend the NIA to better focus on the MPs who switched groups as they didn’t do it gratis, as it is rumored, and on the MPs who took part in the billion theft and on those who underestimate their expenses with the aim of hiding their incomes,” stated Alexandr Nesterovschi.

The National Integrity Authority (NIA) issued a document whereby it ascertained the violation of the legal incompatibility regime by the MP. The NIA said that Alexandr Nesterovschi became the manager of a firm in 2013. Since 2014, he has served as an MP, but didn’t renounce the post of firm manager during his two terms in office as an MP. It was determined that the MP continued to fulfill the duties of manager and put his signature on a number of fiscal invoices and other internal documents of the firm, ensuring this way the functionality of the company. If the document issued by the NIA remains definitive, the integrity inspector will notify Parliament so that this initiates the procedure for dismissing the MP.