
MP Ilan Shor no longer receives salary and compensations


MP Ilan Șor stopped receiving salary and compensations on January 1, 2020, these being suspended. Since June until December 2019, the MP was penalized for 26 absences, in accordance with the Parliament’s Regulations.

Ilan Shor didn’t specify the reasons for his absences from the meetings of the Parliament’s bodies, the legislature’s Secretariat said in a response provided to IPN.

Under the Parliament’s Regulations, the unfounded absences of an MP from three sittings of the legislative body or of the standing commission of which this forms part during a month is punished with the loss of 50% of the salary and of the monthly untaxed transport allowance. The coefficient of 75% is applied for four and more absences.

If the MP is absent groundlessly from any parliamentary activity during at least one month, this can be stripped of salary, allowances and compensations at the suggestion of the commission for appointments and immunities. It happened so in the case of MP Ilan Shor.

The MPs and members of the standing commissions receive a monthly salary of 18,130 lei. A monthly compensation for costs related to the professional responsibilities, protocol and promotion is of up to 13,000 lei, depending on the monthly consultancy services purchased. The monthly transport allowance is 6,500 lei (88 persons now get such an allowance, while the rest benefit from car pool), while the monthly allowance for apartment rental is 3,300 lei for a family of two persons and 6,600 lei for a family of four and more persons (12 persons receive now such an allowance).