
MOST IMPORTANT IPN NEWS about European integration process of May 15-21, 2017 in summary


IPN on May 15 published an OP-ED entitled “Three scenarios concerning fate of EU macro-financial assistance for Moldova”, written by politologist Dionis Cenusa. According to the author, a negative message from the EU related to financing will justify a new wave of criticism on the part of the opposition leaders against the ruling party, causing new sources of irritation in society.


MEP Andi Cristea said the macro-financial assistance shows the European Union’s support for the Republic of Moldova and this money are a leverage of constructive pressure for making the government do reforms. The European money is intended for the people, not politicians. Even if the replacement of the electoral system is an internal policy issue and the EU understands this and accepts it as such, there is a common and assumed interest in the modernization and making of the Moldovan political class more responsible. The Venice Commission experts who visited Chisinau will present their report in June. The Commission analyzes the situation in Moldova and the authorities here should take the received recommendations into account.


The European Parliament has announced that the taking of an eventual decision about the provision of €100 million in assistance to the Republic of Moldova will not necessarily mean its immediate implementation. According to a statement about the situation in the Republic of Moldova, read in the plenary sitting of the European Parliament in the evening of May 16, the Moldovan authorities, before the disbursement of the first installment, will have to assume the implementation of a number of measures defined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the two sides. The European Parliament delayed the provision of the macro-financial assistance approved for Moldova this January for at least one month amid concerns about the political developments in the country, related to the change in the electoral system.


The European Parliament’s decision to delay the provision of €100 million in financial assistance to Moldova is a consequence of the political struggles inside the legislative body in Brussels and a signal that the European partners do not trust the Moldovan government. Socialist MP Vladimir Turcan said such a decision was awaited. “It is a bad signal for Moldova. But it is a clear signal that the European partners do not have confidence in this government,” he stated. The Democratic Party’s spokesman Vitalie Gamurari described the delay in providing financial assistance as a consequence of the political struggles inside the European Parliament and of the pressure exerted by particular parties.


Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu considers the protest organizers are not sincere when they say that they protest against the replacement of the electoral system and actually pursue other goals. The Speaker denied the information according to which the replacement of the electoral system is the reason why the European Parliament delays the provision of macro-financial assistance to Moldova. “The financing for the Republic of Moldova depends on the reforms assumed by the government. There are several conditions that we need to fulfill and the financing will come,” said Andrian Candu.


Referring to the possible halt in the EU’s financing, the President said that if such a move causes problems to the Government and will lead to early parliamentary elections, he welcomes it. Igor Dodon noted that next year, when the government is changed as a result or ordinary or early legislative elections, another alliance will be formed. He already launched negotiations in this regard and at least US$ 500 million or US$ 1 billion will come annually. He avoided saying where this money will come, but said that not mandatorily from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.


The Government of Moldova should learn the lesson. The replacement of the electoral system is not a matter of major importance. This is how the deputy head of the Party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS) Igor Grosu commented on the European Parliament’s decision to postpone the discussions on the allocation of €100 million in financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova. Analyst Corneliu Ciurea in the same program said there is a positive thing in the European Parliament’s decision. “The European Parliament, as the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, consists of different political parties. The most powerful European party, which does not have an ally in the Parliament of Moldova, lent a hand to the Moldovan opposition, which is very weak. But we need a powerful opposition,” stated the analyst. He reiterated the Moldovan government’s position: “In the European Parliament, they discussed the problem of corruption, justice, but didn’t discuss the uninominal voting system”.


The discussion between the three institutions of the European Union – Parliament, Commission and Council – about the financing for Moldova will most probably take place at the start of June. Based on the results of the discussion in this format, the Directorate General for International Cooperation will take a final decision and the matter will be then put to the vote in the European Parliament in July, said Speaker of Moldova’s Parliament Andrian Candu. Commenting on the postponement of the discussion in trilateral format, the Speaker said it is not a decision not to finance the Republic of Moldova and it is not a refusal by the European Union to finance or cooperate with the Republic of Moldova. Andrian Candu noted the government does not count on undeserved international support for Moldova, while the financial support in the cooperation with the EU is provided based on conditionality. “As regards the €100 million that the Republic of Moldova is to receive from the European Union, this money does not simply come and for nothing,” said the Speaker. He added that a delegation of the European Parliament, members of the EU – Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, will pay a visit to Chisinau next week.


The provision by the EU of financing for Moldova mainly depends on how the Moldovan government implements the recommendations of the Venice Commission concerning the bill to change the electoral system. “The financing has always been subject to conditionality. But this time the conditions are harsher. I think the EU’s financing will depend on how we manage the relations with the Venice Commission. We will have to take into account all the recommendations. If we meet the conditions, I’m sure than the European Parliament in July will adopt a favorable decision on the Republic of Moldova and we will have money in autumn,” said MP Iurie Leanca, chairman of the European People’s Party of Moldova. Director of the Institute for Political Research and Consultancy “PoliticonAnatol Taranu also considers the unblocking of financing depends on the government of Moldova. “It’s clear that this time the problem resides in the intention to change the electoral system. Everything depends on us, if we are able to manage this situation. If we think that the Europeans finance us further for geopolitical reasons, it will be a big mistake. What Moldova as a small and poor country managed to do is to cause dissention in the European Parliament,” he stated.


The European Union’s student exchange program “Erasmus +” celebrates the 30th anniversary. In the Republic of Moldova, the program has been run for 23 years and promoted over 90 projects in the period. Coordinator of the National “Erasmus+” Office in Moldova Claudia Melinte said that about 2,000 students and teachers from the country profited from academic mobility in EU universities. Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Pirkka Papiola said this day is very important for “Erasmus+”, for Moldova and for the European Union. “The European Union will be further open for putting the program into practice. This is the program that gives the young people a big chance to develop their professional capacities so that they later find a good job. The prospects offered by “Erasmus+” to the young people here will help Moldova to continue its correct path,” said the European diplomat. Any student studying at a university in Moldova can benefit from “Erasmus+” .The studies abroad can last for three to 12 months (24 months in case of medical students). The same student can benefit from more mobility possibilities within a training cycle on condition that this does not exceed 12 months. The scholarship is of €750-850, depending on the living costs in the host country. Those who want can apply online on the website of the Department of International Relations, “Erasmus+”.


The Republic of Moldova needs support and consultancy to do the reforms specified in the Moldova – EU Association Agreement. In a public debate organized with the EU High-Level Adviser, these spoke about the reform results achieved in their field of expertise by the Moldovan institutions they are advising since the EU – Republic of Moldova Association Agreement has been in effect. EU High-Level Advisers’ Mission is a team of 22 experts deployed in the Republic of Moldova with the overall objective to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to implement its reform Agenda, in particular, to assist in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, as well as to ensure the necessary follow-up for the post - visa liberalization stage. EU High-Level Adviser on Education Daniel Funeriu said the European Union goes through a permanent modification process. The EU is based on a series of values and these values derive from the mentality of each citizen. Education takes part in the creation of mentality and that’s why the EU supports education and research. Snezhana Blagoeva, EU High-Level Adviser on Rural Development and Agriculture tackled the issue of importance of having efficient rural development policies in order to develop the country as such. Continuous consolidation of the food safety sector in order to ensure an efficient control system for the benefit of public health was raised by Zenonas Stanevicius, EU High-Level Adviser on Food Safety.

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.