
MOST IMPORTANT IPN NEWS about European integration process of June 26-July 2, 2017 in summary


IPN on June 26 published an OP-ED entitled “Restoration of power supplies from Transnistrian region and weakness of European factor” that was written by experts in political sciences Dionis Cenusa. According to the author, the total lack of transparency in the signing of the contract with Moldavskaya GRES generated dissatisfaction among the European partners. These monitored the first open tender contest to purchase electric power, staged in January – March 2017, based on the recommendations formulated by the Energy Community Secretariat. Consequently, the representatives of the Energy Community, the EU Delegation and the EU High-Level Adviser on Energy asked for clarification about the national power supply system. But no official explanation followed. Instead, the authorities focused on the denial of the accusations that the supplies from Moldavskaya GRES financially support the separatist regime and contribute to the augmentation of the natural gas debt to Russia, which totals US$ 7 billion.


The term of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM), which expires this autumn, should be extended for two more years. In such a case, the accomplishments of the Mission and its partners can become even more impressive in the near future. If the Mission completes its duties, these results would gradually diminish, says a study carried out by the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”. Research author Rosian Vasiloi said the activity of the EUBAM Mission was successful in Moldova and Ukraine. Currently, both of the states have visa-free regimes with the EU, Association Agreements with the European Union and implemented integrated border management strategies and have reformed border services that mainly match up the EU practices. The study authors consider it is opportune to extend the Mission’s mandate until the end of 2019, by modifying its structure and strengthening the capacities of the EUBAM Office in the Republic of Moldova. 


The Council of Europe became in time an agent of democratic changes in the Republic of Moldova. Such a message was transmitted by Prime Minister Pavel Filip in a speech given in the plenary sitting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The Premier spoke about the importance of the partnership between the Republic of Moldova and the Council of Europe and the essential reforms implemented in Moldova with support from and in accordance with the recommendations of the PACE. The Premier approved of the work of the joint mechanism of the European Union - Council of Europe Eastern Partnership Programmatic Cooperation Framework. After two years of implementation, this instrument proved its efficiency in optimizing the allocation of resources for implementing relevant regional and bilateral projects. As to the Transnistrian conflict, Pavel Filip reiterated that the dialogue is the only way by which a solution can be identified to this and, if the real needs of the people are put above the ideologized positions, progress on this segment can be made. At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister underlined that the completion of the monitoring procedure of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe remains Moldova’s major objective and this priority is stipulated in the Moldovan Government’s program and action plan for 2016-2018.


The IPN analysis “Plans B of electoral system change” that was published on June 29 tries to explain the behavior of the promoters of the electoral system change in relation to the development partners, which is as harsh and direct as the one in relation to the internal opponents of the initiative. “Surely, the promoters have the capacity and intelligence needed to understand that the risks are very big. They definitely have to assess more possible scenarios, especially in case of ”success”. The failure, in the meaning of abandonment of the idea to replace the electoral system, could bring more favors from outside. However, “the caravan goes on”, towards the adoption of the mixed-member electoral system in Parliament as Plan A and the only one. Why and which are the possible scenarios for overcoming the situation - a possible “Plan B” or even several “plans B”? wonders the author, urging the readers to take into account a number of motives and solutions in the rather difficult situation existing now in the Republic of Moldova and in its relations with the development partners.


The letter of the 25 MEPs addressed to the Moldovan administration, whereby these request to follow the recommendations of the Venice Commission and to give up introducing the mixed-member electoral system, is a harsh ultimatum, said experts invited to a TV program. “I was impressed by this letter. The 25 MEPs represent five large groups in the European Parliament. It is a harsh ultimatum. The preamble says the association relations with the European Union are not a one-way road,” said political analyst Nicolae Chirtoaca. Veaceslav Berbeca, programs director of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”, also considers that the letter of the 25 MEPs should worry the Moldovan authorities. “EU politicians repeatedly warned the administration in Chisinau. This time 25 MEPs delivered a harsh message that expresses their concern,” he stated. Expert Aurelian Lavric also said that the MEPs issued a harsh message to the Moldovan politicians, but these do not have the right to impose a particular electoral system on Moldova.


The macro-financial assistance from the European Union for Moldova is an instrument for exerting pressure for doing reforms that would bring the country closer to what the European area means. If this assistance is suspended, this would be good news for the Russian Federation because it would mean the EU’s disengagement from Moldova, said MEP Andi Cristea. He noted the macro-financial assistance for Moldova has been intensely discussed in the European Parliament. He witnessed the politicization of this issue because the two important political groups are in a delicate situation given that the partner parties from Moldova, the PLDM and PL, are no longer in power. He also said that the European money will be hyper-monitored and cannot reach the pockets of politicians and will go to implement projects for the citizens. Even if they vote to allot the macro-financial assistance in Strasbourg next week, the tranches to Moldova could be blocked if the conditionality elements included in the initial proposals are not met.


President Igor Dodon considers the letter sent to the Moldovan administration by a number of MEPs, whereby these request to give up the intention to replace the electoral system, is an attempt to become involved in the internal affairs of the state. He criticized Chisinau’s attitude to what the development partners say of the last few years. “Twenty-five MEPs signed. And what? Why didn’t they sign when the mixed-member electoral system was introduced in Georgia? Why don’t they say anything about Hungary, where a mixed 50:50 system has been used since 1991? This is an attempt to become involved in the internal policy of the Republic of Moldova,” stated the President. He also said the position of the European partners, who warn that they will stop financing if the plans to introduce the mixed-member electoral system are not abandoned, is not correct. According to him, the support provided by the EU to Moldova is allocated according to political criteria.

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.