
MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS of November 13-20, 2017 in retrospect


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations offers Moldova US$345,000 for strengthening the capacities of berry producers and another US$455,000 for rural development. Agreements to this effect were signed on November 14. The assistance will also go to organize training courses on the implementation of the latest innovations and modern technologies in the field.

Three children - a girl aged seven, a boy aged four and another girl of only a month - died in a house fire in Danu village of Glodeni district on the night of November 14. A criminal case was started over killing out of imprudence. The children’s farther, who has a criminal record, was first arrested for 72 hours and was then remanded in custody for 30 days. The mother was taken to a psychological rehabilitation center. Initially, the woman told investigators that she was washing a pram. The father and the children went to sleep in the same room. When she saw that the house started to burn, he cried for help. The man went out to see what was going on. When he realized the house was on fire, he could not go back to save his children as the flames were too powerful. Later the women changed her statements. She said that she turned on the stove, lay near the younger girl and fell asleep. Experts are investigating four preliminary versions of the fire, namely: violation of the rules of using the stove, violation of the rules of using the heater, arson and a short circuit. A final version will be presented within ten days.

The participants in the third Media Forum of Moldova that took place in Chisinau during November 14-15, 2017 adopted a Resolution whereby they condemn the lack of coherent public policies to limit monopolies in the mass media and related areas, which allows using the press as an instrument of manipulation and propaganda. The Forum participants requested the authorities to hasten the supplementation of the legal framework regulating the activity of the national mass media and to adjust it to the EU legislation and good international practices. They also requested to supplement the national action plan for implementing the Moldova – EU Association Agreement on the media segment and to strengthen cooperation with civil society and the mass media so as to achieve the objectives set by the Media Forum.

About 20 tonnes of Moldovan plums on November 15 were stopped for phytosanitary checks at the Krupets customs post in Russia’s Kursk region. As a result, the Russian sanitary inspectors decided to ban the import of the plums. The plums were to be delivered to a business entity in Krasnodar region.

The first Twinning project on cultural heritage, to the value of €1 million provided by the European Union, was launched in Chisinau on November 17. The project will help strengthen the capacity of specialists and the institutional, legislation knowing and heritage protection capacities. In Moldova, there are 3,000 historical monuments, about 100 public monuments, 600,000 movable cultural heritage units and 500 immovable heritage units.

The Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) has a new composition. This was elected in the fourth General Assembly of Prosecutors that was held on November 17. Thus, there were chosen five standing members and three substitute members given that the terms in office of six of the 12 members of the SCP, including of the Council’s chairman Mircea Rosioru, expire on December 19. Under the legislation, the sixth member of the SCP will be the prosecutor of ATU Gagauzia, which is an ex-officio member. The elected standing members are: Inga Furtuna, Andrei Rosca, Adrian Bordianu, Angela Motuzoc and Constantin Susu. The three substitute members are: Sergiu Cretu, Ina Fenkovski and Eduard Varzar. The members of the SCP are elected for a four-year term and a person cannot hold office two times consecutively.

A 14-year-old teen from Verejeni village of Telenesti district is suspected of shooting a boy aged seven and of throwing him into a well. It is presumed that the teen played with the hunter’s gun of his father and accidentally shot the child who came on a visit. The child went missing in the evening of November 18. In the morning, rescuers started to pump water out of a series of local wells. The body of the child was found in one of them.

The November 19 local referendum on the dismissal of the suspended mayor Dorin Chirtoaca from mayoralty hasn’t been validated. The voter turnout was of 17.54% of the voters on electoral registers at a time when the minimum required turnout is of 33.3%. Over 87% of those who took part in the plebiscite voted for the dismissal of the mayor.

Selection by Maria Procopciuc