
MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS of June 26 – July 2, 2017 in retrospect


Mircea Surdu on June 26 resigned from the post of director of the public TV channel Moldova 1. On a social networking site, Mircea Surdu wrote he decided to withdraw in order to make documentaries as this is an activity that brings more satisfaction to him. Mircea Surdu was chosen director of the public TV channel Moldova 1 in December 2012. In a meeting of the administration bodies of the TV channel the same day, the vice director of Moldova 1 Leonid Melnic also tendered his resignation.

Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the largest banks in Italy, became the majority shareholder of BC “Eximbank-Gruppo Veneto Banca” SA of Moldova. On June 26, Intesa Sanpaolo signed a contract for the purchase of assets and liabilities belonging to Veneto Banca, including the banks owned by this group in Moldova, Croatia and Albania. Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the largest banks in the Eurozone, with capitalization of over €45 billion.

On June 27, President Igor Dodon signed a decree to withdraw the draft national security strategy and the plan of action for implementing this that were approved during the presidency of Nicolae Timfoti. The Head of State argued that the content of the two documents no longer corresponds to the substantial changes witnessed in the national, regional and international security spheres.

On June 27, judge of the Rascani branch of the Court of Chisinau municipality Oleg Melniciuc was arrested for 72 hours following searches performed in his office and at his home. This is investigated for unjust enrichment. On June 30, this was released from pretrial detention and will be investigated outside remand. Prosecutes didn’t ask for a warrant for his arrest as they believe there is no danger that this would influence the investigation.

On June 28, the Government of the United States decided to provide an additional US$ 4.1 million in financial assistance to the Government of Moldova through the Drugs Control and Law Enforcement Program. The money will be used to promote the preeminence of law in the Republic of Moldova, including to support the efforts to strengthen justice and do the justice sector reform, to fight corruption, trafficking in persons and organized crime.

On June 28, the Supreme Soviet of the self-proclaimed Transnistrian republic withdrew the immunity of the former Transnistrian leader Yevgheny Shevchuk so that this could be investigated for abuse of power. According to unofficial reports, Shevchuk left the Transnistrian region, crossing the Nistru by a boat.

The members of the Petrenco group, including former MP Grigore Petrenco, were given suspended sentences by the Rascani office of the Court of Chisinau municipality on June 28. The ex-MP was found guilty of causing public disorder during the September 6, 2015 protest and got a suspended sentence of four years and a half. He was also fined 10,000 lei. The other six members were given suspended sentences of three to four years. They were all placed under judicial control until a definitive judgment is passed.

A Turkish citizen was arrested by the police after he told the passenger registration agent, during the check-in for the Chisinau – Istanbul flight at the Chisinau International Airport, that he has two kilograms of explosives in his baggage. It happened on June 28. The police isolated the 28-year-old man together with the baggage. It was shortly established that it was a hoax.

Mayor general of Chisinau municipality Dorin Chirtoaca, who is under house arrest, on June 28 signed an order to convoke the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) on June 30. The agenda included the appointment of two candidates for deputy mayor, Mihai Moldovanu and Valeriu Munteanu. On June 29, the Council came together for a meeting at the request of 1/3 of councilors. Valeriu Didencu, who is also under house arrest, was dismissed from the post of the Council’s secretary, based on his resignation. In the same meeting, the municipal councilors, except for the Liberal ones, examined there candidates for acting secretary, but the councilors could not reach a consensus about one of these. The meeting of the CMC called by order of Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca for June 30 didn’t take place because the quorum was not present. Only 15 Liberal councilors came to the meeting.

The Ministry of Health on June 30 published regulations that enable the legal representatives of minor patients to have access to intensive care and resuscitation units outside the program of visits as well, including at night. In this case, the consent of the unit’s head will be required, or of the resuscitator on guard, if the first is absent. The minors younger than three will be permanently accompanied by one of the family members. In the case of elder children, the adults’ access will depend on the possibilities of the medical institution.

The Government reform was adopted by Parliament in the first reading on June 30. The bill caused heated debates. Socialist MP Vasile Bolea criticized the fact that the bill does not specify the exact number of ministries as a result of the reform. Thus, one Prime Minister can ask for five ministries, while another one for 22 ministries and these fluctuations will endanger the stability of governance, stated the MP. Lib-Dem Iurie Tap expressed his disagreement with particular additional powers given to the Government. The bill provides that the Government decides how the Government decisions and orders are drafted, adopted and issued. Despite the criticism, the bill was passed in the first reading by a majority of votes.

Selection by Alina Marin, IPN