
More Screening Filters for Compensation Applicants This Winter


This year, when granting energy compensation, each family’s eligibility will be assessed with greater accuracy, taking into account various indicators such as income, the number of children, presence of severely disabled individuals, and other household-specific characteristics. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection notes that the system is now connected to 11 public sector databases, allowing detailed and up-to-date information on each household, including declared incomes, property holdings, pensions, and other relevant data, IPN reports.

One of the databases linked to the system is that of the State Tax Service. Through the tax service, salary incomes and over 20 types of annual incomes, such as rental income, income from freelance work, royalty payments, and others, will be verified. According to the ministry, the goal is to cross-check the applicant’s declared income with state-held data. If discrepancies arise, the higher income figure will be considered.

With data from the Real Estate Registry, ownership shares and the value of properties held by each household member will be analyzed. Pension and child allowance data will be verified with the National Social Insurance House to validate incomes and prioritize households with young children.

The status of individuals with severe disabilities will be verified with the National Council for Disability and Work Capacity Determination, giving priority to applicants in this category.

The database from the Public Services Agency will be used to verify minor status, IDNP, births and deaths, and address information to validate and update household data. The Border Police will provide information on the presence of family members within the country who are registered in the compensation program.

Each household’s consumption point number and disconnection status will be checked in the providers' databases. Information on unemployment status and individuals officially registered as unemployed will be verified with the National Employment Agency, while student status will be checked using data from universities.

From banking institutions, information on the value of mortgage loans will be requested to prioritize households with loans below a certain threshold. Additionally, data on social cards and bank accounts, facilitating the transfer of compensation to beneficiaries, will be sourced from the Electronic Government Agency/Mpay.

During the 2024-2025 season, heating compensation will be provided in monetary form. To receive compensation for November, applications must be submitted on the platform compensatii.gov.md by November 28. Applications can be submitted throughout the cold season, but compensations will not be granted retroactively for previous months.