
Moratorium on inspections at economic entities is populist action, opposition MPs


The three-month moratorium on state inspections at economic entities, which was voted by Parliament on February 25, is a populist action. Such statements were made during the program “Place for dialogue” on the public station Radio Moldova, IPN reports.

Socialist MP Vasile Bolea considers that this moratorium will only pave the way for other illegalities. “This is a populist action. The law says that the Government can extend this moratorium for another three months. How can the Government extend something that was voted by Parliament? I do not understand how can we cancel all the state inspections? If a case similar to the one that happened in the café “La soacra” occurs, who will answer?” he asked.

Liberal-Democratic MP Valeriu Giletski believes that this moratorium is needed, but doubts that it will have the expected effect. “The state authorities commit abuses against the economic entities. The businessmen repeatedly complained about the system. A system that will prevent these abuses should be implemented during these three months. The problem resides here. If these abuses are not removed in the future, it’s no use imposing such a moratorium,” he stated.