
Monthly salary up 26% in Moldova


The average monthly salary of a Moldovan was 2,429 lei in the first half of the year and has risen by 26% compared with H1 of 2007, Info-Prim Neo has learnt from the National Statistics Bureau (NSB). The index of the real salary surged 9 pct this period. The budget earners got an average of 1,978 lei, while the private sector salary stood at 2,665 lei. In June the average remuneration of an employee was 2,751 lei, by 8.4 % more than in May and by 23.9 pct more than in June 2007. In the budget area, the June salary was 2,642 lei, rising by 21 % compared with June last year. Thew salary in the private sector was 2,805 lei in June -- 25 % more than in June last year. The data do not refer to the businesses and entities living on the Nistru's left bank.