
Money provided by WB within project was used inefficiently, NAC


A study by the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) shows that the money provided to Moldova by the World Bank within a project to build border checkpoints was used inefficiently, IPN reports.

The money was offered through the Moldova Agricultural Competitiveness Project (MAC) (building of Border Inspection Points) for setting up border checkpoints and purchasing information software. Even if the given projects were launched over three years ago and substantial sums were borrowed, these haven’t been yet implemented, preconditions being created for the project to be discredited and the state budget to be defrauded.

The experts ascertained that in the case of the tender contest to build the Leuseni Border Inspection Point, the requirements were formulated with deficiencies, unreal deadlines for implementing the contract being indicated. As a result of the delay in implementing this project, the value of the reconstruction project was increased from 11.5 million lei (the lowest bid at the first stage of the tender contest) to 26.6 million lei (winning bid).

In the case of Tudora BIP and Criva BIP, the experts ascertained that the building works were executed with delay because the National Food Safety Agency, as the beneficiary of the given facilities, didn’t take the necessary measures to obtain the required authorizations. None of the contracts concerning the building of the BIP were implemented on time.

In the case of the tender contests to work out two information systems in the sanitary-veterinary sector, situations of conflict of interests were identified between the winning company Romanian Soft Company and one of the members of the tender commission. Even if the designed information systems were later certified, the National Food Safety Agency refused to accept and implement them, invoking the lack of the projected result and of a platform for operating the software.