
Moldova’s heraldic symbols brought closer to people by symposium


The tenth Heraldry Symposium held this year is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the declaration of Moldova’s independence. In the context of this scientific event, the researchers can present their own contributions to heraldry. According to the organizers, this year the symposium will take stock of the accomplishments in heraldry. State Heraldist, Doctor of History SilviuTabac said the event this year renders homage to genealogist Zoe Diaconescu.

Within the symposium, Silviu Tabac made reference to the new heraldic symbols of a number of Moldovan communities. The National Heraldry Commission adopts new coats of arms for villages and towns in almost every meeting. Namely because of this, the symposium is an occasion for presenting several of the new symbols that appeared in Moldova.

Doctor Habilitate Varvara Buzila, vice director of the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, said that every year the symposium centers on the most important issues of heraldry and genealogy in Moldova. The whole society uses signs, either coats of arms or flags and logos. “The symposium disseminates all the accomplishments in the area of heraldry and is trying to bring the public closer to these good symbols,” she stated.

Varavara Buzila added that a particular phenomenon can be now noticed in the settlements that create their identity sins by thinking up a coat of arms, a flag or an anthem. “Our villages that are twinned with settlements from other countries impose their identity by these local symbols first of all,” she said.

The Heraldry Symposium is organized by the Society of Genealogy, Heraldry and Friends of the Archives “Paul Gore”, the President’s Staff and the National Museum of History of Moldova.